There are many online stores that claim to sell original Air Jordan sneakers and this is not usually the case. Some sell the fake versions and term it authentic and buyers may not being aware of this scam because they are buying online.
In this article, we are sourcing out the best online stores where customers can buy original Air Jordans. We are reviewing the best places to get these shoes, without falling prey to the many fake places online.
If you have been looking for a good place to buy an Air Jordan sneakers online, this article is for you. We are reviewing all the main details about the store, the discounts they give, delivery services, pros, cons and other useful information.
Come along with us!
17 Best Places to buy Air Jordans Online
Here, we would be giving detailed reviews of seventeen best places to buy Air Jordans online. This review is not according to any particular hierarchy. These are just the top places where you can get original Air Jordan products.

1. Nike.com
Air Jordans are originally Nike products, so it is not surprising that its website should be the first place to look for the sneakers. It is actually the best place to buy a pair of Air Jordans online. Nike has an online website where customers can easily order products, irrespective of where they are.
They have sub-websites for different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and America. The website uses your location to find a website affiliated to your country but you can also order from the general websites for US and UK and have it shipped to your location. Nike.com is very easy to use. The products are divided according to categories.
There are shirts, shorts, accessories and equipment, shoes, hoodies and pullovers, pants, jackets and vests, compression and base layers, tracksuits and socks. In this way, you can easily tap on the category of items you want and shop. For shoes, they are also divided in the same way. You can search for Jordans and find your preferred choice.
The prices are boldly displayed on each item. The number of colors each one has is also displayed.
Some are made for children and adults, while some are made only for children or adults. Nike also displays shoes that are coming soon, so members can preorder.
They also have Jordans that are limited in terms of number and the ones that can only be accessed by members. They have sections for ‘Just in’, ‘coming soon’, ‘Member Access’, ‘Best Seller’ and many more. Nike has many promotions and discounts available for new and existing members. It should be among your best places to buy Air Jordans online.
- Prompt Customer service
- Delivery services.
- Standard prices.
- Some Jordans are only available on preorder and in limited quantity.
- Delivery services may not get to some countries.
Click here to learn more.

2. Farfetch
Another great place to buy Air Jordans online is at Farfetch. Farfetch can boast of selling original Air Jordan sneakers because they are well known for selling quality fashion products.
They are an online store created to provide customers with the best of best fashion and beauty products. They sell exclusive items from different designer brands. They have been in the business for quite a while and they know the good, the bad and the ugly of fashion pieces.
They sell the most original products because their products are sourced directly from the manufacturers. Customers can get quality Air Jordans from their store because they were supplied directly from the company.
Farfetch is an e-commerce platform where customers can get luxury fashion items from any of their favorite brands at affordable prices. The brand was established in 2007 by Jose Neves in the United Kingdom to give people online access to luxury fashion goods.
Since inception, the brand has grown a wide connection with different top brands, so that their products can reach customers through their platform. Farfetch is rated among the best because it delivers the best services.
Their site is easy to shop on and they offer delivery services to many locations. Although they are more popular in the UK, their services span wide and far.
Air Jordans can be gotten under the shoes category.
- The brand gives massive discounts.
- They deliver to many locations.
- They have a global customer service.
- There send out emails and notifications for reminders on the newest products.
- They have limited Air Jordan sneakers. Customers may not find all the types they need.
- Delivery could take a while, especially if it is outside the UK.
Click here to learn more.

3. eBay
eBay is a global e-commerce shopping center where all kinds of fashion outfits, shoes and accessories are sold. It is among the top places where Air Jordan sneakers can be bought online because it is a well trusted store.
eBay has been in existence for many years and it has been delivering premium services to all its customers. It has the some of the best designer brands as its sells mostly designer products. Their customer satisfaction level is well rated, as years of experience have made them master the art excellently.
Their products are authentic, their marketing is awesome and their delivery is spot on! eBay prides itself as one of the biggest and most influential online store because they have recorded years of success in the fashion business.
At eBay, customers are treated to a wide array of luxury fashion, whether corporate or casual. Shopping is as breezy as possible. The website is well organized, with each item placed under a particular category.
Customers can comfortably shop for Air Jordans on the website by searching for it with the search icon or searching under the shoe category.
Air Jordans on eBay are quite a lot. They have different types, both the ones that have been in stock for a while and the newly released ones. Each one has a price range. For instance, Air Jordan 1 Low Travis Scott Black costs between $445 -$665.
The main price would be revealed before payment. The store offers delivery services to any part of the world.
- Shopping on eBay is very easy.
- Their Air Jordans are authentic.
- The website offers discounts on bulk purchase.
- One main disadvantage of shopping for an Air Jordan on eBay is that you don’t know the main price till it’s time to pay. This means that prices can change.
Click here to visit the online store.

4. StockX
Another good place to buy Air Jordans online is at StockX. It is one of the most popular shoes stores in the world. StockX has made a name for themselves in the fashion world. They sell only original products.
You can get any known shoe from their store. This is one favorite shoe store for men because they usually have the right brands for them. StockX is known for their sleek sneakers. This is why it is a top pick for the best places to buy an Air Jordan. You would surely find them here.
The brand sells the trendiest sneakers from various brands. You can find Yeezy, Nike, Adidas, Supreme and so many more. What makes the store stand out is their authenticity in versatility. You can get a million brands, but you would surely get the original versions.
Their prices are also relatable. They sync with the prices of other popular online stores. StockX has most of the collections of Air Jordans in stock. Whether it is the newly released ones or the limited products, you would find it there. One good thing about shopping with them is that even if you don’t know what to shop, they would suggest for you.
They also keep you up to date with the latest products available. StockX is not just a fashion store though, they also sell electronics, trading cards, collectibles, apparels and accessories.
- Regulated prices.
- Latest Air Jordan sneakers
- Blog and Magazine articles on everything fashion.
- Reminders and updates on new products.
- Not all Air Jordan collections can be found on StockX.
- Some Air Jordan sneakers are available in limited quantity.
Click here to learn more.

5. Flight Club
The next best place to buy Air Jordans online is at Flight Club. This is another big name in the shoe world. Flight Club has gained popularity for selling quality and durable shoes. Thrown into the industry over ten years ago, the brand has evolved into a trustworthy fashion house where customers can conveniently shop for the best sneakers.
They sell as many brands as customers can think of. Their products are gotten directly from manufacturers and they have become a good retail store with first-hand products.
Every popular sneakers name can be found at their store. The most popular brands on the online store included Nike, Adidas, Yeezy, Off-White and New Balance. They sell shoes for men, women and kids alike.
The brand also sells apparels for all genders. Flight Club has three physical stores which are located in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. Customers can make walk-in purchases there.
Their online store is an active website that functions very well. Customers can make orders without stress. They have a 24/7 customer service that is always available to help. Customers can easily track their orders also.
- They have good return and refund policies.
- They deliver to various countries.
- They give customers updates on the latest sneakers.
- All transactions can only become in US dollars.
Click here to visit the website.

Another best place to buy Air Jordans online is at GOAT, another well organized online store. The store sells different kinds of sneakers from popular and unpopular brands. It is one of the most recommended online stores to buy an Air Jordan because it sells durable ones.
It is a retail store that specializes in the sales of only sneakers from various manufacturers. It is well known because it always has the latest products in stock. It also sells collections that may be hard to find elsewhere because they are no longer trending.
The store sources for the best of them and provides them for their customers. GOAT sneakers are usually sought for because they are trusted. The store has the most unique types of sneakers available.
Their most popular brands include Air Jordan, Nike, New Balance, Fear of God Essentials, Supreme, Marvel, Drunk Low and more. necessary information about the shoes can be found once you click on the particular shoe you want. New arrivals are displayed on the home page.
- They have a large number of Air Jordan in stock.
- The prices are relatable.
- They have a functioning customer care system.
- There are good discounts.
- They don’t offer delivery services to some areas.
Click here to learn more.

7. Stadium Goods
The next option on our list of best places to buy Air Jordans online is Stadium Goods. Stadium Goods is a well known US store that sells all types of sneakers for men, women and children.
The brand is a sneakers multipurpose store because it has various brands of sneakers in store. It is regarded as the world’s premier sneaker store. It sells popular brands like Nike, Jordan, New Balance, Supreme and Adidas. The store sells products gotten directly from the manufacturer.
Their items are original and of good quality. Stadium Goods is a great place to shop for Air Jordan sneakers because they have most of the collections in store. They have varieties of Air Jordans, both the retro and the contemporary ones.
Air Jordans are always a part of their new stock and best sellers in the store. Their prices are also fair and their delivery services are reliable. Stadium Goods delivers within the United States and some outside locations.
Customers can even track their orders themselves. The brand also sells other times like accessories and apparels. They allow various forms of payments.
- Good refund policies.
- Email and notification updates.
- Slashed sales.
- Mobile application
- Limited delivery locations.
- Am payments are in US dollars.
Read more about the website here.

8. Amazon
Another top place to buy Air Jordans online is from Amazon. Amazon is probably the most popular e-commerce store. They sell varieties of items that include groceries, electronics, hair products, beauty products, makeup, home essentials, accessories, clothing, shoes, DIY décor items, luxury goods and so many more.
Amazon is home to some of the most unique items you can think of. This is why it is usually the first thought when customers are looking for certain products. They sell Air Jordan sneakers in abundance, just like other sneakers and their prices are affordable.
They can be found under the shoe section of the website or the mobile application. You can also search the entire website using the search icon. It reveals all the Air Jordan sneakers that are available.
Amazon has Air Jordan in its best sellers corner. This is part of the reasons why it is considered one of the best places to buy it. It also means that customers patronize the store a lot, with Air Jordan orders.
The sneakers sold on Amazon are authentic and durable because they are gotten directly from the manufacturers. Another reason why it is considered one of the best places to buy Air Jordans online is because it handles its delivery excellently.
For customers who do not wish to do a pickup, Amazon can deliver to any part of the world. It may take time, depending on the location but the service is always good. Also, the company has a functioning 24/7 customer service that helps customers shop easily.
- The brand sells original Air Jordans.
- It has variety in stock.
- Some returns are free.
- You may not find the particular Air Jordan you want because it has been sold out quickly.
- Distant deliveries take a while, even with express delivery.
Click here to shop on the Amazon website.

9. Foot Locker
This next one is known as Foot Locker. It is an American retail store that was founded many years ago, with its present name being acquired in 2001.
Foot Locker has been in existence for so many years before then and it functioned as a fashion company selling and delivering sportswear and footwear.
The company was designed to provide quality footwear for athletes and non-athletes. The passion behind the creation of the company was to push out quality shoes into the market space. This brand was established by F.W. Woolworth and Santiago Lopez. Its headquarters is in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It has physical stores in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the American. Foot Locker sells in retail prices. It is home to some of the best sneakers from various brands.
The store specializes in sales of Apparels, accessories and sneakers. Its most popular sneakers include Adidas, Nike, Jordan, Champion and Vans. These shoes are all available for men, women and children. Air Jordan lovers can also find good ones at their store.
They sell them in different varieties. Some of them can be found under the ‘best seller’ while others can be found under the ‘new release’ section. Their prices vary depending on the general market price.
Customers can easily search the website to get what they want. Foot Locker offers delivery services to Germany, Sweden, UK, Norway, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary, France, Poland, Spain and more.
- The brand offers its services to many countries.
- Their prices are affordable.
- Multiple payment options.
- Limited Air Jordan collections.
- No delivery to African countries.
Click here to visit the main website.

10. Dick’s Sporting Goods.
Dick’s Sporting Goods is another good place to buy an Air Jordan sneakers online. This store works excellently well for those in the US because the main location is over there and there are also physical stores there.
The store is among the best places to buy Air Jordan’s because they sell only original products from the company. They are a retail store that sells different sneakers from different brands.
They are mostly known for selling sportswear, sports gear, equipment, apparel and footwear.
The store is filled with the latest and trendiest sports fashion wears. Whether it is a sportswear or a sports shoe, you can find it at the store. It is also one of those stores where you can find complete sports kit for people who need them.
For those looking for where to get durable original Air Jordans, the store offers them. The collections are quite limited because they have a mixture of many other brands, but the trendiest ones are available on the site. The site displays most of the Air Jordans it has in stock, so that customers would not have a hard time finding them.
Their prices are also affordable. The store offers delivery services to certain locations.
- An all-inclusive sportswear store.
- Physical pickup stores.
- Affordable prices.
- Stocked up with new arrivals.
- Accessible to mostly those in the US and some restricted locations.
- Delivery is only available in the US.
Click here to visit website.

11. Laced.com
Next up on this list of best places to buy Air Jordans online is Laced. Laced is an online store that sells different types of sneakers. From its store name alone, we can deduce that it sells laced shoes, which are mostly sneakers.
Laced.com sells sneakers from brands like Nike, Jordan, Yeezy and New Balance. It has most of the trendiest and most recent sneakers in the fashion world. Most of its new releases are always up to date.
The brand prides itself in selling quality items both for men and for women. Customers can find Air Jordan 1, Nike Dunk, New Balance, Yeezy, Air Jordan 4, Air Jordan Low 1, Yeezy 350, Yeezy Slides, Dunk High, Travis Scott and Off White. Laced.com has a simple website where customers can ship for Air Jordans and other sneakers brands.
The items are divided according to brands so that shopping can be simple. Customers can also search the particular item they want with the search icon. Each item is saved in the cart until the person is ready to pay.
There is a different section for ‘price drops’ items, where items that their prices have reduced are displayed, so customers can take that advantage. Air Jordans are sometimes found in this section.
The shoes in the store are not so many. You are sure to find trending ones there but not all the collections you would expect. They have an email center customers can reach out to in case of any issues.
- Up to date Newsletters.
- Rated a 4.3 out of 5 by Trustpilot.
- New Arrivals are always the trendy sneakers.
- Limited delivery locations.
- All payments are in pounds.
Learn more about the brand here.

12. Finish Line
Finish Line is a popular sneakers store in the United States. It has been rated among the best places to buy Air Jordans online, especially for those in the US. The store is popular because it sells durable items that are original and can be trusted. Their prices are also an attraction for customers.
They are fair and relatable compared to other sneakers stores. Finish Line offers sales and delivery services of sneakers and other types of shoes. The store sells basketball sneakers, running shoes, casual shoes and other athletic shoes.
These shoes are from different top brands in the sneakers world. You can find shoes from Nike, Adidas, Jordan, Under Armour, Supreme, New Balance and more. The company sells only the best of the best of these brands.
They also sell gym and athletic wears for both men and women. It is also one of the best places to find Air Jordan Retros. Finish Line is very accessible to customers in the United States.
A higher percentage of its customers reside in the US. The brand offers delivery services to them. Customers can easily track their products and the delivery is done within a few days.
The store is owned by JD Sports and its headquarters is in Indianapolis, United States. It has over 600 physical stores across the US.
- Physical stores for pickup.
- Sneakers variety.
- Affordable prices.
- Delivery services is restricted to the US only.
- All transactions are only in US dollars.
Click here to visit the website.

13. RIF LA
The next one on our list of best places to buy Air Jordan sneakers online is RIF LA. RIF LA is a shoe store based on California, Los Angeles. It was established in 2006 with the intention of selling rare and uncommon shoes and clothing.
The brand was designed for customers who want unpopular wears and over the years, it has evolved with trending fashion influence. RIF still maintains its mission till date but you can find different types of sneakers at their store. There sell both common and uncommon sneakers now.
A good thing about the store is if you need somewhere to shop for retro or limited offer shoes, you can check them out. Most of their products are on display on the homepage, so customers can easily see their latest collections.
RIF sells shoes from brands like Air Jordan, Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Cactus Jack, Fear of God, Bape, Supreme and Palace. The brand has an active website that functions well.
Products are arranged according to brands. New Arrivals and Trending shoes are displayed on the home page to attract customers.
The brand sends out newsletters to its customers to give them update on new products. Generally, the store is a great place to shop. All transactions are done in US dollars.
- The brand sells rare products.
- There are physical stores to shop at.
- The site is very easy to use.
- The online store is restricted to the US only and all transactions are done in dollars.
Click here to visit the website.

14. Yankeekicks
This next store is known as Yankeekicks and it is another top place to buy Air Jordans online. Yankeekicks has the latest Air Jordan shoes in different sizes and colors. It has a section categorized for Air Jordan shoes only.
There, customers can shop varieties. The store sells them at affordable prices too. The Air Jordans at Yankeekicks are premium quality that has not been compromised. This is because they are sourced directly from the manufacturer.
They are also durable and can last for many years if used well. Yankeekicks sells authentic shoes.
They are known for selling original shoes, socks, accessories, apparel and cleaning kit. They have existed for quite a while, so they have gained useful knowledge and experience in the sales of footwear.
They also have a good customer relationship which has boosted their sales performance over the years, keeping them among the top places to shop for good sneakers online.
The brand’s headquarters is located at Miami Beach, Florida. It has a website where customers can easily shop online. The website is organized in such a way that each brand has its own section. In this way, you can locate Air Jordans in a separate section without any hassle.
The other available brands on the website include Nike, New Balance, Yeezy and Adidas.
The store allows customers to shop in their own currency, using their location to determine this. They have a number of discounts and deals from time to time to help slash prices.
- Customers can preorder upcoming shoes.
- Customers can shop in their currencies.
- Delivery locations are limited.
Click here to visit the website.

15. Sneakersnstuff
Sneakersnstuff is another good online store to explore. Its headquarters is located in Stockholm. It has stores in places like London, Berlin, New York, Paris, Tokyo and Los Angeles.
The brand is known for selling limited edition sneakers from different brands. They are a retail store that sells quality sneakers from different top brands in the shoe industry. Sneakersnstuff is one of the best places to buy Air Jordans because they have most of the latest releases and they are up to date with their stock.
The brand is a high quality fashion store that is dedicated to providing quality fashion products for its customers. It was built on the foundation of a passion to deliver to quality sneakers for customers of all preferences.
From inception, the brand has always been about, fashion, art and culture, so most of their products are rooted in these ideologies.
Air Jordans happens to be a part of these products, hence its inclusion in the brand. The brand has a website that is very easy to use. Items are divided according to brand names.
They also have a mobile application that functions in the same way. Customers can find sneakers brands like Converse, Adidas, Reebok, New Balance, Vans, Jordan and so many more. The brand we born in 1999 and has thrived for over twenty years.
- There are varieties of Air Jordans on the website.
- The website has a mobile application for ease of use.
- Their prices are relatively affordable.
- Their delivery locations are limited.
- It’s restricted to the United States alone.
Visit the website here.

16. Footaction
The next option on this list of best places to buy Air Jordans online is Footaction. Footaction is an online store that sells different types of sneakers for men, women and children.
They have all sorts in the many varieties and colors. Footaction is a quality footwear store that is committed to customer satisfaction. The company is known for quality and speedy delivery.
It is strictly an online store as it has no physical store location, so it gives its best to delivering products for its customers. Their main aim is to help customers trust in online shopping which is one of the most dreaded issues for shoppers.
The brand is an active retail store that owns a warehouse where all its products are shipped from. The quality of the sneakers can also be trusted because they buy directly from manufacturers.
Their items are considered original by all standards. There are quite a number of Jordan products on the website, all in different collections, sizes and colors. All transactions on the website are done in US dollars.
Customers can track their products themselves. The site is easy to shop on. They have a reliable customer care that can be reached 24/7 via WhatsApp or emails.
- Thebrand has speedy delivery services.
- Their products are authentic.
- Prices are fair.
- Delivery locations are very limited.
- All transactions are done in US dollars only.
Learn more about the brand here.

17. KicksCrew
KicksCrew is another great place to buy Air Jordans sneakers online. The brand sells all types of sporting shoes from many brands. Customers can find the latest releases of Air Jordan products on their website.
They have various colors and sizes of Air Jordan products and they are categorized separately on the website. You can find Air Jordan, Air Max, Air Jordan 4 and more. The brand is up to date with Air Jordan collections.
The site also sells other sneakers products including Nike, New Balance, Adidas and others. It is one of the surest online stores to find the newest sneakers releases. The site also runs a blog where customers can read about upcoming products, sporting news and streetwear fashion.
The website can be called a street wear brand because it also sells all types of streetwear shoes. Whether it is a retro, classic or new drop, you are sure to find it at KicksCrew. Shopping on the site is quite easy.
There are multiple payment options available and their delivery services extend to many countries.
- All types of Air Jordan sneakers available.
- New releases available.
- Efficient delivery services.
- All transactions can only be done in US dollars, so the rate may be high for customers in other countries.
Learn more about the brand here.
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So far, we have been able to review a number of online stores where Air Jordan sneakers can be bought. There are different stores, each with its own uniqueness.
Most of them have online stores where they can be accessed, while few have physical stores that customers can walk into. Generally, they all deliver quality online services.
If you have been looking for the best places to buy Air Jordans online, this reviewed piece should get you shopping!
We would be glad to get a first-hand review from you if you have should from any of these stores. Our comment section is open to your review!